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About Outdoor Tramper

Is this just yet another travel blogging website?

Yes, probably maybe, who knows but I'll try and make it interesting. 


Hello my name is Nick and I thought I would give it a go mainly to keep friends and family informed of what I'm up to.


We all have many reasons why we make the decisions we do and most of them are based on staying inside our comfort zones.


Many years ago someone once said to me very few people make more than 5 major decisions in their life. By major decisions he meant something that takes your life in a completely different direction. When I look back I see how true that is. For me my first was at age 16 when I had to decide to stay or drop out of school and go sailing. Of course the sailing won. The 2nd was when I met a young girl Katie in a boatyard in Greece who I spent the next wonderful 26 years with raising a family. The 3rd was probably in 2003 when we decided to up roots and move with a young family to New Zealand.


The 4th was when Katie suddenly became ill and was taken from us far to early 3 years ago. It made me re evaluate my life and what was important. I decide to take some time off from my business, rent out the house and follow the dream we had of travelling together. We had spent the past 20 years living in NZ and tramping (hiking in kiwi) was a huge part of our life. So as the Outdoor Tramper I'm now in Europe travelling in a campervan and seeing where the road takes me and what adventures I can find.


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