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Summer 2024 at Bredy Farm Dorset

Is it just me but time seems to fly by even quicker these days. I cannot believe it will be Autumn already here in a few weeks and that its now been 14 months since I left NZ and set out on this adventure with no clear plan as to what I was going to do.

Looking back I have not done an update since March and its mainly because I have been spending the summer in the same location in Dorset, so not much travelling going on.

Back in April I came to visit a place called Bredy Farm just outside Burton Bradstock in Dorset. I had seen an ad they were looking for staff for the summer and as I was not far away thought why not go check it out. I wasn't really looking for a job at the time but it sounded interesting . To cut along story short I met the owner Charlie and was offered a job for the summer.

It was a great decision and has been an amazing experience I have loved it working with some really nice people where they make you feel like being part of the family. There are only a couple of us full time and then we have an endless stream of volunteers that come for 1- 4 weeks from all over Europe.

Bredy Farm is like no other farm I have ever been to. I guess you would describe it as an events Farm with a large campsite for over 18s that gets completely full at weekends with a mainly younger crowd. There is an excellent restaurant, a wedding venue hall, cocktail bar and a music festival field. Yes there are a few animals, sheep and cows but its all about partying and fun here. One project that has been especially interesting was building a gold painted swimming pool next to the cocktail bar.

Friday and Saturday nights though are what its all about at Bredy Farm, hectic, intense but a lot of fun. I feel like I have been reliving my youth. We have top DJs and live bands come and play and I now even know who the world scratch DJ champion is as he's been here twice !!

I guess you could say its like a piece of Ibiza has been transported to the Dorset country side for the weekends. During the week though its very peaceful..

A big part of life at Bredy Farm is also music festivals, we have done 3 so far and 1 more big one to go. They are hard work, but great fun and I have got to listen to so many new bands that I would never have have normally even heard of. Not to mention I have met so many interesting and nice people.

Another great advantage of working here has been both Daniel and Rosie keep coming to visit as they think its a cool place where I'm working! They both usually end up working a few shifts in the bar whilst here and helping at music festivals.

I have however also managed to escape now and then and do some great hikes along the Dorset/Devon coastline and further away to places like Kent, London, Cambridge etc..

Sadly though the season is rapidly coming to end and I will only be here until September and then will sell the van. The plan next is to return to New Zealand in October for the summer to get the house in Whangarei sold. Then it will be on to the next adventure...

To everyone who knows me and the family and what we went through I just have to say this experience over the past year has been the perfect recovery from a difficult time. I have defiantly learnt to enjoy life again and appreciate how precious it is. I know someone who would I am sure approve of what I have been doing. It is safe to say whilst the memories will always be there I am happy and somehow the future looks so much brighter than it did a few years ago so watch this space..

As usual a sample of photos in slide show below, hope everyone is keeping well and I will catch up with NZ friends and family when I get back...

All the best and stay safe everyone.


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