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Surviving a UK Winter - 2024

Well as I sit writing this its less than a week until March so I am starting to think I may have survived my first UK winter in over 20 years.

I had forgotten how much it rains here and how short the days are especially in January.

But at last they are getting longer and there is even a hint of spring in the air.

Its now almost 9 months since I left NZ and set out on this adventure and the time seems to have flown by. When I look back now and see how much I have done and how far I have travelled I feel very lucky. But I also feel some sense of achievement that I have done what I planned and am making it work. It does feel like I am living the dream and making every day count. Whilst its not been without its challenges at times I have no doubt this was the right decision for me. I have been to some incredible places, met amazing people and am creating some fabulous memories. I've also been surprised at how easy it is to simplify your life and how very little one really needs to be happy. How much longer I keep leading this lifestyle and where it leads me who knows and depends on a number of things. There are definitely days when I wish for a bit more stability and a feeling of belonging somewhere. But then the road beckons again and I'm off to see what's over the next hill, so maybe I am now doomed to be a wondering nomad forever.

What I really need to do is get better at this whole travel blogging stuff like all these young ones doing it full time and actually make a living out of it!

I'm currently in the far SW of Cornwall and have spent the past almost 2 months doing various work stays and staying with friends. The first was in Wales then I headed to Devon and now Cornwall. The advantage of doing these have been I have not had to live in the van over the worst of the winter. This is because they have all included accommodation as part of the job. I have really enjoyed meeting new people and helping them out. Its kept me busy and I have done some interesting jobs mainly property renovation which I always enjoy.

The deal is to do a few hours in the morning to earn the accommodation and then the option to do more hours paid if required. So I've been building fences, retaining walls, decorating a house, installing a shower, relaying paths etc.

Its really suited me as I have been able to continue with my online tech course in an effort to upskill for an eventual remote job.

A highlight in Cornwall has been visiting St Ives again. I was last here when I was 21, when together with my brother and his wife we sailed into the harbour enroute from Scotland to the USA on our little 29ft Nantucket Clipper.

I remember how we tied up against the town quay and the very friendly harbour master came down and asked if we were staying the night. When we said yes he pointed out that did we know the harbour emptied at low tide. Sure enough it was like someone had pulled a plug out when the tide went out, but we settled nicely tied against the quay.

St Ives is quite different now full of expensive designer tourist shops, but the harbour still empties at low tide.

Tomorrow I leave Cornwall and head back to Devon for the next adventure at a place near Exeter.

But as we head towards spring here in the northern hemisphere I am starting to see some interesting jobs pop up for the summer. So its likely I will get a proper job for awhile based somewhere along the South Coast anywhere from Dorset to Kent.

The plan then later in the year is to fly back to NZ and sell the house. This will give me a lot more options on what I will be doing next as definitely a sailing trip is coming soon.

As usual a sample of photos in video below. Haven't had much chance to use the good camera due to the weather so most of these were taken on the phone.

Stay safe all.


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