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3100 Miles later - October - November 2023

So I haven't done an update in awhile and as I sit writing this I am now in the South of France . Just checked the trip counter and it is showing just over 3100 miles (4988kms) since leaving Scotland in August.

After leaving Dorset in mid October I headed East to Kent aiming for Dover and the ferry to Dunkirk. I managed to catch up and stay with some old friends Sylvia and Neil near Sutton Vallence. We go back years from my Sunsail days when we first met and have always stayed in contact. They kindly put me up for a few days and I managed to explore a bit more of beautiful Kent including Canterbury and an amazing day out at a place called Bedgebury Forest.

It was then only a short hop down to Dover where for once in my life I had a flat crossing of the English channel. One of the advantages of being this late in the year was how quiet the ferry was.

So finally I was in France and remembering to keep right when leaving the ferry terminal I immediately started heading for Belgium. On the bucket list was to visit Waterloo mainly because I have read all the Sharpe books and it was simply a part of history that has always interested me. It did not disappoint apart from the weather and the new Museum I had read about was fantastic. One thing that did surprise me was how low the the ridge was that the British under wellington defended. Though I suspect they have scraped it down a bit to make the path. Houghmont the farmhouse was especially interesting considering holding it decided the outcome of the battle.

From Waterloo it was time to start heading straight south and hopefully to warmer weather. I picked a route staying well to the East side of France avoiding all toll roads. This took me through some very rural and amazing places. At this stage I was already seeing the difference in how geared up France is for campervans compared to the UK. Everywhere there are parking places called Aires and many of them are free to stay at. They include water and pump out facilities and are often close to town centers where you can walk into and buy supplies. I could also go on about the French food, bread, cheese, wine etc.. fabulous..

My route south whilst mainly rural did include a few large towns place like Dole and Avignon both amazing places with so much to see. Avignon was a special favourite as many years ago I passed through here on a yacht, whilst transiting through the French canal system from the Mediterranean to Le Harve.

I finally reached the Mediterranean sea at a place called Port St Louis. I wanted to go here as its well know for its yachting with marinas and boats everywhere. Did pass one marina and it was very sad to see the abandoned boat section but if your brave and want to do the work you can grab a boat for almost nothing.

Whilst the eventual goal is Spain from Port St Louis I took a detour East to the Cote d'azure as I wanted to go and see another old friend from my Sunsail days in Les Adrets.

Matt and his partner Helen work in the super yacht industry and have a beautiful villa in the hills overlooking Cannes . They made me most welcome and I had a great few days with them.

So now I am back on the road and heading West for Spain.

Pictures in slide show below.

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1 Kommentar

Sarah Burrows
Sarah Burrows
10. Nov. 2023

Looking forward to seeing you soon! Have fun crossing the Pyrenees!

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